Friday 12 December 2014

Which Way Equality?

It is often assumed that race relations in the UK are in a much better state than they are in the United States. Despite the current protests against police killings in America; the debate about the Police use of ‘stop and search’ in England proves this may not actually be the case. History has shown that White institutional authority rarely coexists peacefully with the notion of advancement for people of colour. 

In the UK the society is still extremely hierarchical and extremely partial to discrimination and prejudice based on privilege and social status. In all respects the circumstances of a person’s birth plays a much greater part in their future life opportunities than their abilities and commitment to hard work. It was no surprise that that the recent riots in London occurred in neighbourhoods densely populated by private of colour. It is also a fact that the current welfare reforms are having a disproportionately negative effect on people of colour. 

If people of colour are going to improve their circumstances then the onus is on them to individually work hard to better their lives. It is unlikely that the chimera that is race equality will achieve that for them. In order to do this people of colour will need to overcome institutional racism and an adopted tendency towards underachieving. There need to be more role models for children from minority ethnic backgrounds. Not just pro athletes and entertainers. Role modelling isn't about material goods or achieving the trappings of wealth. We need families and communities to be providing the right value system for young people to motivate, commit and prepare themselves for a better life. We need to start creating a legacy of smart, hard and honest endeavour in our communities. We've had the dream; and followed the path of any necessary means. Now it's time for us to evolve into the strong and productive people we have a need to be.

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