Monday 8 December 2014


I know a person who during discussions simply makes his point over and over again. No matter what other views are expressed or evidence put forward to support them. His position was, “this is my opinion. This is what I know and you can't tell me any different”. A little knowledge is truly a dangerous thing. As far as he was concerned nothing had to make sense. It was all a matter of opinion. 

It is not possible to stand all alone screaming into the wind and have a conversation, discussion or dialogue with another person. Communication requires a conducive environment in which to take place. It is ok to be persistent and expressive about what one wants to say. What is not acceptable is aggression, abuse or harassment. A strong point can be as forcefully made calmly and quietly as it can be made loudly and boorishly. 

These days our sense of self is all founded on beliefs and dogma. Whether it is religious belief or cultural prejudice, we stand on one side of a divide and look across at those on the other side with pity and disdain. Ultimately we see them as being misinformed and misguided. And because we believe we are right in our view because that's what we believe we allow too little room for understanding. 

I had an uncle who once told me that he believed in his religious persuasion and felt that others should share his conviction. But if he turned out to be wrong then he would be right to be judged harshly for it. Listening to him I always thought to myself I don't want to eventually find out I'm wrong. Rather I want to continuously ask myself and explore what is right. At least that way I get to learn and make things right while I have the power to make a difference. 

Whatever your beliefs are allow them to evolve as your knowledge and understanding grows. Be clear about your beliefs but open to understanding and appreciating the beliefs of others. Only then can you truly enter into dialogue and be properly understood. 

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