Saturday 8 November 2008

Time To Get Your Game On

It is starkly ironic that the election of the first ever Black president in America coincides with a period of economic tumult and questionable war campaign. Needless to say its likely that improving the lot of the Black person, or other minorities, in America may not be his top priority. However, the time for promises has passed and now is the time give back to all those young Black people who started this journey with him and have backed him fearlessly and resolutely. Its their future and destiny he now holds in his hands. There is no one else to point the finger of blame at.

The lot of Black people in America needs a huge amount of systemic change for marked improvement to be seen. Change in the educational, justice, health and economic systems. Obama has promised "change we can believe in". We have believed. Now we need change we can see and feel.

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