Nigeria is by tradition a paternalistic society. And is also mostly chauvinistic, which might be a feature of the long tradition of male dominance. Or it might just be because there are a lot of decrepit males who want to live in the stone age. I'll leave you to work that one out.
However, it has become clear that after almost 50 years of independence the men really haven't got the will, the values or the ideas to really take the country to the next level. Politically there has been neither the morals nor the intellect to build a stable political system. Economically, we are still operating a cash economy that is overly dependent on a single natural resource. Socially the men are driving forward a culture of poverty and moral decadence. And as the Olympics have shown, in sports things are just getting worse for us.
So far the Olympics have seen us win 2 bronze medals and one silver medal. Both bronze medals were won by women. I think thats a striking achievement given how poor the rest of out sporting establishment seems to be. I am happy the efforts and dedication of the women really paid off. I can only imagine what they might have had to go through to commit themselves to their sports.
So its about time women stepped forward and took charge of the highest office in the land. At least a new perspective might not be better but at least it will be different. There has to hope for at least one sector of the Nigerian population. I say this more in hope than any certainty though.