An interesting exploration of the lives of two mixed race girls growing up in South East London. It takes us on a journey through a life chasing dreams and dodging poverty. The story touches on the madness of celebrity from glamour, to superficial relationships and the accessorising of African poverty.
The story hints at a lot of things without dwelling too deeply on them. It’s never quite clear what social significance the different gender racial mix makes. There also doesn’t seem to be much insight into Tracey’s father fractious relationships. What were his feelings about his previous family? Did he develop a fetish for Black women at some point? How did he become involved with Aimee?
The story does delve into the phenomenon of celebrity adoption of Africa as a pet charity project. However, it does gloss over local corruption and repression and how these celebrities’ endorsement may or not contribute to it.
Her treatment of romantic relationships wasn’t altogether convincing. Some didn’t really add up or really seem particularly likely. They read as unsatisfactory as they eventually turned out in the book.
Some very interesting themes in there but it was a difficult read and not altogether enjoyable.
African Prints/Ethnic Ankara Prints
7 years ago