The Arab nations funding Hamas have two primary objectives:
(1) To show the world that the Israeli state is oppressive and illegitimate. They count on the fact that the Israeli response to shelling and bombings will be repressive and genocidal. This will highlight their claim that the Israeli state is evil. In doing this, Hamas is used as puppets and the people of Palestine are exposed to grave danger and virtual eradication.
(2) It is in the best interest of these Arab nations for fighters in the Palestine region to remain there fighting the mythical beast that is the Israeli state. These wealthy and self indulgent Arab nations are aware that should peace be achieved in Palestine there will be huge number of battle hardened Islamic extremists in need of a new subject for their righteous wrath. The fear is that these rich Arab nations will become the new enemy due to their impure lifestyles and oppressive regimes. This was the very problem they had with Saddam Hussein and his regional power grab.
As ever the real victims in the Palestine conflict are the Palestinians who are having their lives, society and land destroyed. They are victims of the Allies who took their land, the Israeli state, Palestinian extremist organisations, the West, who blindly support the Israeli state; and Arab nations who are funding a fruitless military insurgency.